The UK Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) will host a series of webinars through August and September to explain changes to importing from the EU to the UK.
These webinars will focus on changes to importing food and drink, including composite food and fishery products from the EU to Great Britain from October 1, 2021.
To register for these webinars or to view pre-recorded webinars follow this link:
DEFRA is hosting a series of free webinars to explain what you need to do to import the following products from the EU to Great Britain from 1 October 2021:
You can also join webinars to find out how to:
The webinars will:
To register for the next webinar on 13 September 2021 10-11.30am follow this link:
Watch a pre-recorded webinar to find out about importing POAO from the EU into Great Britain.
Importing animal by-products
To register for the next webinar on 14 September 2021 10-11.30am or to watch a pre-recorded webinar to find out about importing animal by-products from the EU into Great Britain, follow this link:
Importing composite products
To register to attend the next webinar on 15 September 2021 10-11.30am or to watch a pre-recorded webinar to find out about importing composite products from the EU into Great Britain, follow this link:
Importing groupage loads
To register, to attend a webinar on 25 August 2021 10.30-12pm or 26 August 2021 2.30-4pm, follow this link:
Register for IPAFFS
Find out how to register for IPAFFS. You’ll be able to ask policy officials questions about the process and get advice about the information you need to provide when you register. You may find this webinar helpful if more than one person in your business will be submitting import notifications.
To register, select the date you want to attend:
2 August 2021 1.30-2.30pm
6 August 2021 9.30-10.30am
23 August 2021 12-1pm
24 August 2021 9.30-10.30am
Standard registration process
Watch a pre-recorded webinar to find out the standard process to register for IPAFFS.
Import notifications for live animal imports
Watch a pre-recorded webinar to find out how to submit an import notification for live animal imports from the EU to Great Britain.
Rules of origin
Watch a pre-recorded webinar to find out about tariffs and rules of origin for agri-food goods moving between the UK and EU.
Read guidance on rules of origin for goods moving between the UK and EU.
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