The Purple Flag standard, launched in 2012, is an accreditation process similar to the Green Flag award for parks and the Blue Flag for beaches. It allows members of the public to quickly identify town & city centres that offer an entertaining, diverse, safe and enjoyable night out.
Ennis, was the first town in Ireland to achieve Purple Flag Accreditation when it successfully underwent a rigorous assessment in 2013 and has the town has since successful retained accreditation.
Purple Flag accredited towns and cities have proven that they are welcoming to everyone, offer safe ways for visitors to travel home after dark and provide a good mix of venues.
Purple Flag towns and cities benefit from more visitors, lower crime and anti-social behaviour and improved perceptions of centres.
Reinvigorated over the past three years by the ATCM, there are now 70 Purple Flag towns and cities across the UK and Ireland and the positive response both by place managers, local businesses and venues.