
1st May 2020

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) publishes Business Continuity Guidelines for Retail Sector

The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) has published a ‘Retail Protection and Improvement Guide’ to help retailers manage business continuity during the COVID-19 emergency.

The document outlines preventative measures businesses can take to help prevent the spread of the CoronaVirus and addresses risks to both workers and the public.

See link to guidelines here: View the Guide here: NSAI-Retail-Guide-COVID-19

It specifies requirements to implement, maintain and improve a retailer’s ability to protect against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from COVID-19 related disruptions when they arise.

In conjunction with the retail guide and a similar manufacturing guide issued last week, the NSAI has also set up a helpline to offer advice to members of the business community on the necessary steps to take.

Commenting on the publication of the Report, Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys TD said,

“Retailers and retail workers across the country have already taken significant steps to safeguard against the spread of Covid-19. Indeed, the retail sector has been at the forefront in implementing the public health measures that are required in the fight against the virus and I want commend retailers, large and small, their employees and their suppliers, and all those within the extended supply-chain on their efforts to date.

I would urge them to continue that work. The best way to ensure that retailers can keep operating is to rigorously implement the public health guidelines on physical distancing and minimise the risk of spreading infection. Similarly, I would encourage all employees to make themselves aware of the expert advice and strictly adhere to it.

The NSAI guidance document and dedicated helpline will be a significant resource for retailers, suppliers/distributors and their employees, both those essential retail outlets that remain open to the public and those retailers who can offer online ordering, and delivery services within the public health guidelines that have been issued.”

The Minister added, “The measures that retailers are taking, in line with the public health guidance, rely on the co-operation and support of shoppers. It is imperative that we all respect these measures as well as the retail workers who are coming to work every day to make sure we can continue to shop.”

NSAI’s Chief Executive Geraldine Larkin says,“The measures will help business owners to identify ways of operating which can ensure they can continue to operate safely. They can use these guidelines to assist them in taking the  necessary steps, whether they are defending against a spread of the virus, managing exposure to it, or are trying to recover from an outbreak” she said.


The NSAI Helpline for support in relation to improving your COVID-19 related prevention and recovery measures in your retail business, is contactable on:

T: +353 1 807 3800, or E: 

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