Thebestof Ennis is dedicated to providing local people with details of the best businesses in and around Ennis, along with what’s on in the area, local services and information and pretty much anything else people want to know. Our aim is to provide an online resource helping local consumers make informed decisions.
We are not an advertising agency or an online directory. We help promote through a variety of marketing initiatives only those businesses which come recommended to us by the people of Ennis. We encourage Ennis residents to recommend a good local business which they trust and think is good at what they do. Perhaps you know a local business which
Thebestof Ennis provides a range of marketing solutions to help small to medium size companies both on-line and offline. We offer marketing services like no other company and our mission is simple: to champion the best businesses in Ennis and to bring them to the attention of the local people.
This is achieved through high-profile, professionally managed marketing services via online and offline promotion.
Some of the Marketing tools available to our members:
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