Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) helps coordinate the Domain Name System (DNS) by managing and administering the unique identifiers that let us reach another person, website, or information on the Internet. ICANN is responsible for such Internet developments as the New generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) program, which has brought hundreds of new Internet extensions (.xyz, .hsbc, .bbc to name a few) that impact the private sector greatly in terms of business opportunities, trademark and brand protection issues, and technical requirements. ICANN 54 public meeting is being held in Dublin October 18-22.
ICANN’s Vice President for Global Stakeholder Engagement in Europe, Jean-Jacques Sahel, will host a ICANN 54 Pre-Event In Dublin on September 17th, 17:30-20:00 at the Dean Hotel. The event includes a panel of local experts and it’s a good opportunity for the Irish technical, business and internet community to get some insights into what ICANN does and why it’s important to get involved. If you’re interested in attending you can do so via email to: As more information on this becomes available, Chambers Ireland will keep Chambers informed. This information is intended for anyone interested in the topic and should be circulated to members in due course.
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