
31st July 2018

Facebook Advertising Training Worshop

Facebook is constantly evolving and to continue to use it as an effective advertising platform you need to stay on top of the changes.

Local Enterprise Office Clare, is offering a one-day Facebook Advanced Advertising training workshop designed for confident  and expereinced  Facebook users .

The workshop takes place on August 30th at Clare Education Centre, Kilrush Road, Ennis from 9.30am to 4.30pm.

As ever the quality of  training will be second to none, while the cost is heavily subsidised at just €25.

Topics to be coverd are:

  • The main ways to use Facebook for marketing and how Facebook has turned into an advertising channel
  • The different types of ads you can run on Facebook
  • How to target people based on their location (10 miles from your town or within your county or nationwide) based on their age and gender, whether they are married, single or engaged.
  • Advanced techniques for targeting people based on what they are interested in i.e. if they are interested in the product or service you offer
  • Advanced targeting techniques such as: How to advertise to people who recently visited your website (retargeting); How to advertise on Facebook to your LinkedIn connections; How to target your customers if you have their email addresses; How to target people who are very similar to your existing followers (Lookalike audiences); How to drive people to your website and track the number of sales or enquiries the ad campaign generated and How to design your Facebook ads using
  • What type of ads work and don’t work and tips for writing the text on your ads.
    How to monitor and analyse your advertising.

This Advanced Facebook Advertising course will go way beyond “how to boost a post” and shows you all the latest techniques. This is a hands-on workshop and on the course you will setup different types of advertising campaigns.

To book your place:


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