The Government announced details of the scheme to provide emergency humanitarian support to small businesses that have been unable to secure flood insurance. The scheme is being administered through the Irish Red Cross.
What will it cover:
The scheme will contribute towards the costs of repairing business premises, including the replacement of flooring, fixtures and fittings and damaged stock. The scheme will not provide a contribution to loss of earnings or loss of business good-will.
Who can apply:
Small businesses (up to 20 employees) that could not avail of flood insurance, the business premises must have been flooded during the 4th – 17th December 2015 and this fact must be verified by the Local Authority. At the time of the flood the business must have been trading and in a rateable premises.
When: The scheme is open now and closing date for completed applications is 15 January 2016
For more information or to download application forms:
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