
14th July 2023

Clare County Council awarded €2.5 million to address long term vacancy and dereliction

URDF (Urban Regeneration and Development Fund)  ‘Call 3’ allocations were announced this week with Clare County Council allocated €2.5m – with much of the spend destined for Ennis.

URDF Call 3 is specifically designed to address long term vacancy and dereliction, and the acceleration of the provision of residential accommodation in our towns and cities.

The funding allows local authorities to acquire vacant or derelict properties which aren’t on the market, or the market hasn’t responded to, and then offer these properties for private sale to individuals who in return will commit to bringing the property into use as a home.

Earlier this week Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien announced grants totalling €150 million across Ireland as part of URDF Fund ‘Call 3’.

The URDF is a flagship element of Project Ireland 2040 and ‘Call 3’ is a key action in the Government’s Vacant Homes Action Plan2023. The third call is specifically designed to address long term vacancy and dereliction across the country and encourage activation of vacant properties and to bring stock back into productive use. This initiative is also in support of objectives under the revised Housing for All and Town Centre First policy.

Ennis Chamber welcomes the allocation of €2.5 million to Clare County Council stating, “Bringing vacant or derelict properties back into residential use will add renewed vibrancy and vitality into a town like Ennis.”

The funding will provide for the acquisition of vacant/derelict properties which are either not on the market for sale or to which the market has not responded.

It is intended that properties could be acquired by agreement or under the CPO process and then offered for private sale to individuals, who in return will commit to bringing the property into use as a home.

Proceeds from the sale of these properties will ensure a rolling long-term programme of acquisitions and disposals is in place.

Clare County Council has identified long term vacant and/or derelict properties which may be suitable to acquire by agreement or under the CPO process as part of this revolving fund.



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