An Post is hosting a Grow My Business Event for Small to Medium Sized Businesses on the 10th November in Croke Park at 7.30am and finishes at 12.30pm. The event will be compared by Collete Fitzpatrick from TV3. Elvery’s will be there to talk about growing your business online. Gary Brown from Target McConnells will talk about the challenges faced by Irish Businesses. He will provide tips and practical advice on how to grow customer numbers. John Concannon the Head of Ireland 2016 is speaking on how the increase in the tourism industry will impact Irish Business Owners. Finally Enda McNulty the motivational speaker to the 2015 Rubgy Team will be providing you with the skills to keep you motivated. Chambers Ireland has secured a discounted price for Chambers and their members. To avail of this discount, please use the promotional code ‘Dublin’ when booking to avail of a €25 discount ticket. For more information please click here
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