
15th February 2024

EirGrid Roadshow heading to Ennis






Shaping Our Electricity FutureEirGrid


EirGrid has rolled out ‘energy citizens roadshows’ across Ireland since 2021, teaming up with ESB Networks, the SEAI, and local and regional authorities and that roadshow is now heading for Ennis.


The roadshow is planned for Clare on Wednesday February 21, in Treacy’s West County Hotel, Ennis from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. The event is free to attend and refreshments will be provided on the evening.


The Roadshow comprises two distinct sections:

An Exhibition Space: At previous events, EirGrid have had a range of exhibitors including one-stop-shops, energy-upgrade suppliers, e-bike suppliers, local authorities, green energy loan suppliers, local development companies, public participation networks, the IFA, wind project developers, ESB Networks and SEAI among others.
Panel discussion: This comprises panellists from EirGrid, SEAI, ESB Networks and Clare County Council. Panellists each have 15 minutes to present information about their work. This is followed by questions and answers session from attendees.

EirGrid generally discusses the future electricity transmission grid needs in the region
SEAI discuss high level home energy upgrades, sustainable energy communities and business upgrades
ESB Networks discusses their National Network Local Connections programme and microgeneration opportunities in particular
Clare County Council discuss information on the potential local opportunities involved in the renewable energy transition

Pre-registration is not required.

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