The Energy Efficiency Grant supports the investment in technologies and equipment identified in a Green for Micro Report, GreenStart Report or an SEAI Energy Audit with 50% of eligible costs up to a maximum grant of €5,000.
The aim of the scheme is to reduce the impact of enterprises on the environment thereby increasing the agility and resilience of these businesses.
Who is Eligible for Energy Grant
Small enterprises (employing between 1 and 50)
* who have undertaken a Green for Micro, GreenStart or recent energy audit by a SEAI registered energy auditor and who are not currently clients of Enterprise Ireland/IDA.
Small enterprises (employing between 1 and 50) who are established, registered, and operate within the area of the Local Enterprise Office, where the turnover is in excess of €30,000 annually and the business is trading in excess of 6 months.
*except those involved in activities that the Local Enterprise Offices consider as ineligible (primary agricultural, fishery or aquaculture, coal and steel sectors) and those involving an unacceptable reputational risk including gambling, ‘gaming’ (as defined in the Gaming and Lotteries Act 1956), adult entertainment, tobacco products and cannabis-based products which are not authorised as medicines).
All applications for Energy Efficiency Grant should be discussed with your Local Enterprise Office. Find your local office at
Further Supports
For a full list of all green energy supports available to businesses, visit:
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